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Tutorial 2 to make calls

  • Open jaxtr site.
  • Make an account Register .
  • While making an account you put arbitrary values because this site will never tell you to verify th email .

  • Now first step is to uncheck a box just below "send calls to" saying "
  • Now in place of voicemail chnge it to Add/Remove phone.
  • A new window will open and then register your mobile with it.
  • Now get back to the same page after registration.
  • Click on the link just after "Your phone link is".
  • A new window will open.

  • Now click on call me free.
  • Just make sure u have unchecked "
  • After clicking on call me free .
  • Enter your friends or your girl friends number with whom you want to talk.
  • Then click Call. Happy chatting.
  • Do not forget the next step. Its the best step of all.

Now I am telling you abt the loop hole in this jaxtr site.
follow these steps.
This time after u have used all ur credit check back the Add/Remove phone.
A new page will open, remove your number from there.
Always make this habit of removing your number from here .
Now happily sign out from this account,,

Hey wait dude where are you going??
Now make another account , and follow the same steps and call back again ..
and this is how u can make unlimited calls.

If you are an unlucky guy then your number will be blocked by jaxtr and they
will not accept your number any more..
but need not worry dude. This time u register the cell number of a person you want to call
rather than registering your own number.

You will be thinking how will u pass on that verification number to your friend..
so i will just suggest you to stay chill.. its the loop hole in jaxtr that even if ur frnd wont enter any code his/her number will get activated anyhow.. and if it doesnt in frst try thn definitely in 2nd go it will ge registered ..
That means u can register anyones number in this ..
but dun forget to put your number in the end whle calling

Have fun reader..

I have taken so much trouble to find all stuff for you , after testing more than 1000 of sites
i have finally found this . So i will highly appreciate if u can leave a comment for me . Any suggestion, remark etc are all welcome.


CUCKI said...

coool maan keep doing these stuffz

Anonymous said...

nice one mate.. Cucki gave me the link to this one..

Emraan2007 said...
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Pavan Kumar AR said...
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Pavan Kumar AR said...

i myself got a very gud site...

must try..
limitation is dat its a 1 min call, u can redial to same no..
the receiver identifies u as calling from ur own no...

Emraan2007 said...

Sorry dude i tried ur site
but it doesnt allow me to call to india and asks me to buy credit which i will surely not purchase

so u have limited countries to call..
while from my site u can even call to someone staying in mars if he has a network there lols...

Anonymous said...

that's a brilliant work man but can't i remove my number without providing any other??

Emraan2007 said...

remove ur number from where???

if its jaxtr thn u can remove ur number without providing any other

read it i have written

Unknown said...

hey pz help me in dis...
i din understand their concept 4 callin a same number do i do tht
wen i try 2 call up a number tells me 2 dial sumthin else...which is an invalid number..
pz help me in makin more than 1 call 2 d same number..

Emraan2007 said...

remove ur number from ur present acnt

then make a new acnt and enjoy !!1

Anonymous said...

hi emraan brother, its nice sharing which i already using. i used to enter the number of the person whos i am calling. but when its finish the cridets , then i remove that person number and make new account to enter again his number, but the jaxtr didnt accept it. plz tell me if have any fixes.?? u can write me personally as i m in china and my msn is: thanjinlee
